For Schools, Trusts & More

Portal Dashboard Visibility


Updatedge gives visibility, transparency, choice & control to schools and workers to improve outcomes. Schools access or create their own pool of preferred local supply teachers, teaching assistants and other temp staff. Improving value & quality, through choice.

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Updatedge enables our school to see our preferred supply teachers availablility, to offers assignments and book them via our preferred agencies.  All safeguarding compliance is confirmed by our agency as normal so we know all the checks are in place.

Updatedge help us everyday; our preferred supply teachers love it and our agencies benefit too.

Max Raymond

Head Teacher, St John's High School

Updatedge has been amazing it gives us great visibility and choice, we’re no longer emailing and calling agencies endlessly asking for help with supply staff.

Having accurate availability of preferred supply staff with online timesheets has made things so much better. We highly recommend Updatedge.

Roger Weston

Business Manager, St. Mary's Secondary School

Updatedge was introduced by a couple of excellent supply teachers.  It’s been outstanding, we now see all our preferred supply availability. We offer work, and book via our agencies to ensure safeguarding compliance.

Each booking shows on a single schedule, so we know exactly where we are every day, and the next few weeks too.

Sophie Rayworth

Head Teacher, St. Mary's Secondary School


Last Updated

See when each contact last updated their availability

Take Control

You know who has done a good job and want back and some you don’t

Save Time & Money

See who is available, choose who you want, make them job offers instantly

Trust Schools Consolidated Spend

Organization Dashboard

Single view of temporary worker activity

See assignments by day, week, month or term 

Consolidate activities across all schools in the Academy Trust


Live Reporting

Monitor Supply Staff Demand

See supply staff requirements by department skills or groups.

Consolidated reporting of all assoicated schools requirements

Muliple views future and past activity showing hours and costs

Use with any agencies

Significantly reduce supply cover costs

Use with existing school employees too

24/7 online access from any device

See availability, skills, proximity


Availability by skills

Create skill groups

See availability within skill groups

Offer to contacts in groups


Greater choice

Your preferred contacts

Offer to any or all

Request agency support


Activity Single View

By Day, Week, and Month

See offers sent status

Past and future

Offer vacancies

Select best applicants

Remove uncertainty and delay

Reduce disruption

Complete transparency