Was that first day back easy for temporary recruitment consultants?
First day back after the holidays for supply teachers and education recruitment agencies is normally an administrative nightmare, attempting to work out who is available and recording the correct information. Getting hold of all those temporary workers is difficult...
Why do supply teacher recruitment agencies often ignore supply teacher’s availability updates?
It’s frustrating for everybody, keeping all your contacts that need to know informed. Even with the best intentions in the world, letting everybody know every time your availability changes is tough and is rarely consistently done. It’s also tough for all the...
Are your best supply teachers available when you need them?
Such a seemingly easy question, but most schools haven’t got the time to call around their list of supply teachers and to record the various answers. In the past schools called a few agencies to find the right people with the right skills and availability. Those...
How to make more bookings quicker for temporary recruitment agencies?
It’s easy to make more bookings when you are consistently sending offers to people that you know are available for work. In the past recruitment consultants spent hours trying to find who was available and recording responses from endless calls and emails. By the time...